We dedicated our last blog to interview prep. We're back with an outline of how to put your best foot forward on the day of.
If you go through both checklists thoroughly, you're spending 2-3 hours preparing for each interview. Should you adhere to our prescription, you'll be well on your way to acing your next interview.
What to Bring?
While your interviewers have already looked at your resume or have your resume on their computer in the interview, it's important to bring extra copies to show you're prepared and taking things seriously.
Likewise, while note taking may not be all that helpful to you, it's important to show your interviewers that you're digesting information.
- Resumes; 2+ the number of people you're interviewing with
- A pen and something to write with, an iPad is also fine
- A portfolio, briefcase, or folder to hold the notes and any business cards you might receive
What to Wear?
Unless you're interviewing at a startup for a software engineering role or your contact at the company tells you NOT to dress up for the interview, dress us\p for the interview. This is especially true for a client facing role.
- Slacks, no jeans!
- Dress shoes, make sure they're darker than your pants, same for socks
- A button down and/or jacket + tie
- Always best to overdress vs underdress, it's an indication of your interest and respect!
Closing/Asking for the Job:
Understanding the interviewers concerns, re- expressing interest in the opportunity and committing to moving to next stages are all crucial in moving forward in an entry-level candidate's interview process.
- What concerns do they have in moving forward with your candidacy? (Great question, also allows you to potentially overcome the hesitation)
- Re-express your interest in the role and opportunity to work for the hiring manager.
- Ask about next steps and timeline. Let them know you're excited to hear back.
Thank You Notes:
This one is easy, just follow up with a short and sweet customized thank you note within 36 hours of the interview.
- A portion should be personalized for each interviewer
- Should be sent around to each individual rather than in a group note
- Re-express your interest in specific consistent responsibilities
- Insert some personality